Thanksgiving is fast approaching! For this computer lab you need to find a recipe for two Thanksgiving side dishes. I want you to think back to your last year’s Thanksgiving, how did you celebrate? What did you eat? What was one of your side dishes? Now I want you to find me one of those side dish recipes!
The first recipe should be a normal recipe, the second recipe must be a healthier option. It is your choice of whether it is low fat, low sodium, etc. But be sure that it is a healthier option.
When you hand in your recipes, include:
- Both recipes (using the sheet provided)
- Why you chose your recipes (in three senteces)
- Your response to the three questions in paragraph 1
- An explanation (3 sentences) of why recipe 2 - the healther option is better than recipe 1. Here are a few things to think about: what ingredients are you putting into the food, what are the calories, what are the quantities, what is the portion size, etc.
*When you have finished answering these questions hand in your responses to Ms. Vance*
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